A web site must be axed around 4 constitutive pillars with equal importance in order to be successful:
Functionality - Autonomy - Impact - Visibility.


Website Functionality forms the basics of website creation. Yet it constitutes a challenging area in the making because of the multiple (and ever changing) operating technologies and media used by visitors. Screen sizes, web browsers and their versions, operating systems, connection speeds (etc.) are all parameters which vary from one user to another and require therefore the conception of a multi-platform website.

Weborigene guarantees universal website functionality!


Website Autonomy has, in the last decade, developed as a fundamental and basic constituent of website creation so that its administrator (i.e. you or your enterprise) can modify its content easily and on-line directly. This autonomy relies on the creation of a Content Management System (CMS) tailored to the needs of our customers.

Weborigene guarantees you complete website autonomy !


A Website's Impact on its visitors has become an all-important challenge in the web design market. On the one hand, the contents and design of a web interface must be adapted to users' habits, in order to avoid negative impacts, and on the other hand, maximising a website's appeal so that visitors enjoy their experience over its use, constitutes an art which requires professional and artistic insights.

Weborigene guarantees positive impact!


Website Visibility remains, generally, the most challenging target. How to ensure a place among the most visited websites in your search category, or become even first through specific search key words? The answer resides in the ingenious works and advises of our professionals.

Weborigene guarantees major visibility!


1- Agreements on your objectives and needs;

2- Market analysis and drafting of a relevant strategy;

3- Agreements on the functional and graphical aspects;

4- Design and Programming;

5- Agreement on the domain name and hosting structure;

6- Search Engine Indexation and Optimisation;

7- Website transfer to the configured host (point 5).